From the Disability Policy Collaboration
Call Your Senators TODAY to Support the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Take Action!
Final Vote Could Occur Today, Feb 6 or This Weekend.
The Senate is debating the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on the floor this week. This bill will reduce economic hardships, effectively stimulate our ailing economy, and help those most in need. Several of the Act's provisions will assist states, localities, and school systems to support people with disabilities.The Senate bill contains a number of important provisions for people with disabilities, including:* Medicaid - $87 billion for an increase for the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP)* Education - $13 billion for IDEA Part B State Grants and $500 million for Early Intervention - Part C of IDEA * Social Security - $17 billion total for a one-time payment ($300) to all SSI and Social Security recipients, veterans, and others and $890 million to improve the National Computer Center and information technology.* Jobs - $500 million for Vocational Rehabilitation programs.
Many forces are working to cut some or all of this funding out of the bill. Several amendments will likely be proposed that could jeopardize investments in health care, state Medicaid relief, and education. Senate moderates are proposing an approximate $90 billion reduction package. Key disability programs are, unfortunately, part of this package:
Vocational Rehabilitation State Grant
$500 million
Independent Living
$100 million
IDEA State Grant
$6.75 billion
SSA IT improvements
$140 million
Local School Systems Stabilization
$24.8 billion
President Obama's recovery plan needs your support now! Therefore, it is imperative to reach out to Democrats and moderate Republicans and ask them to pass the bill without cutting disability programs. Your call can make a real difference.
For more information, see the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' report on the impact of some of the bill's provisions on individual states:
Take Action
* Call TOLL FREE 1-800-473-6711 and ask for your Senators' offices.
* Use the talking points provided when you click on the"Take Action" link and enter your zip code in the "Call Now" window.
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