Good evening Washington Families,A HUGE thanks to all the families & professional who attended thehearing today and all the families who watched and sent us positivethoughts and prayers.It was a VERY surreal experience to have this many families gatherfrom throughout the state (as far as Spokane & Vancouver andeverywhere in between) in support of an Autism Bill before theWashington State Legislature.It was also remarkable for Senator Pflug to remark as they announcedthe bill that "pretty much all of us have signed on to this bill."Senator Hobbs introduced the bill in a very emotiona, personal,heartfelt testimony, as a father of a young child in very early stagesof a diagnosis. I followed with opening remarks. Dr. King followed with excellent testimony both as a physician, aswell as on behalf of Children's Regional Medical Center. Dr. Kingtestified on the reliability of diagnosis and developing treatmentplans by physicians. Dawn Sidell RN and executive Director of Northwest Autism Centerprovided heartfelf testimony on how far we've seeming come as asociety in supporting humane treatments of individuals with autism andhow little we've done as a society to make evidence based treatmentattainable. Micheal Fabrizio provided excellent testimony on efficacy of ABA intreating core challenges of autism and the qualifications of abonafide ABA provider(consultant, program manager and direct therapyproviders).Dr. Yi Cao testified on the efficacy of her son's treatments and thefinanical impact once their son exits from UW research program thatprovides early intensive remediation for free up to age 4. Laila Praino our youth speaker, brought an ovation (usually frownedupon in formal legislative hearings)but well received by thiscommittee chair and panel, which is a testament to how receptive theywere to our group. Laila provided testimony on her quality of lifeand abilities as a direct result of receiving intensive and timelyevidence based interventions(intensive high quality ABA) that werefunded privately by her family.Bryan Krikorian provided compelling testimony as an attorney on theprocess of risk management by insurance companies and how they haveelected NOT to cover Autism's evidence based treatments, touting themexperimental.Profession Lorri Unumb of South Carolina, the author of our currentbill(redrafted based on Sunrise Review recommendations)providedtestimony on how passage of Ryan's law in her state has contributed toprovider capacity and that there have been NO adverse fall outs frominsurers or businesses due to their Autism Insurance Reform.Mr Pryor and his VERY cute son testified on Durable equipment notbeing covered by Group Health and several parents offered brieftestimony in support.As suspected, Mel Sorenson,the lobbyist who testified against our billat the Sunrise Review once again testified with concerns and Sydney(Ican't recall the last name) the representative from insurancecompanies of WA testified against our bill and stated they do thinkautism is a health condition that should be covered and she statedthat they support the Neurodevelopmental Therapies Bill and notShayan's law.At this time the committee chair stated that she had given us over anhour and needed to hear other bills and would come back to our bill at9:45.At that time Beth Schubert, Angela Fish, Teresa Mundel and BrandelynBergstedt provided sublime testimony that was the perfect ending to aperfect hearing. I can not begin to thank all the families and their children who hadtraveled very far with their children to be there in support of thisbill. If you intended to testify and did not get an opportunity orwould like to provide supportive testimony, please e-mail toDonkin.Rhoda@leg.wa.govPlease put in support of SB5203-Autism Insurance Reform in the subjectline.With warmest regards,Arzu
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