Saturday, January 17, 2009

Special Ed Law 101

“Special Ed Law 101”
Presented by: Amy Patterson

Thursday January 29nd

2500 Hewitt Ave Suite 300, Everett
All parents and professionals welcome!
*No child care is provided*

This is a beginner’s course intended for those that want to learn about basic Special Education Law. Amy will be covering the following information:
- Why do we need to know this stuff?

Three types of law:
1. Statutory
- History
- What is it? Where do I find it?
- What does it say about: Evaluations, Eligibility, IEP’s, Placement
- What do you really need to know?

Section 504
- What is it and what does it say?
- How is it different from IDEA?

2. Regulatory
Federal Regulations
- What are they and where do I find them?
- How do I find what I’m looking for?
State Regulations
- Where do I find them? How are they different from the federal regulations?

3. Case Law
- Brief overview; case law is really outside the scope of a 101 presentation

- FAPE, LRE, LEA, FERPA, NCLB, and so on.

To RSVP or if you have questions contact Tracie Diemert at or call 425-258-2459 ext 111

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